Remember to focus on the outliers, respect the hereafter they represent.
I first came over the ideas of complexity ideas during my doctorate work at Columbia in 2001. I was abruptly energized because the battle described by scientists as they wrestled to force meaning and knowledge out of apparent chaos seem same to me to the sense of a person who is trying to learn something they are having mystery understanding. Since then I have explored authors who write on complexity ideas and its ties to both business and education. It is not uncommon for me to bring it into normal conversation. Often I notice that population tune out or stop listening, manufacture the assumption that it is too much for them.
What is it about complexity ideas that I think is so prominent for every person to consider? It has to do with the power of outliers.

Next I'll speak on a topic that arose for me as I taught in social schools in the 1970s and 80s. during that time we had some students who ordinarily disrupted classes, we sent them to the office, and if they were bad enough they were suspended from school. Students like this were relatively rare. The systems of social schooling have gone on for 20 or 30 years in the same vein. Today if students disrupt class, they are sent to the office, and if this happens often enough, they are suspended from school. Unfortunately, everywhere in the Western world, teachers narrative that this is much more frequent and prevalent that it was when I was working in classrooms.
Complexity ideas tells us that there is a norm of activity that exists in any field of interactions. In my example, that is the norm students in schools. Any way there are also all the time outliers whose activity appears at first random, chaotic, and disruptive. Science has taught us that these outliers with their random chaotic and disruptive pattern, if watched long enough, will generate a complex new possibility. They call these fractals.
Let us just think that idea. We live in a time when all of our systems are stressed by change. Could you maybe the disruptive elements be creative possible for the amelioration of a new and marvellous norm?
Imagine a ideas that you are complex in is feeling the stress of change. What are the outliers? What are the stressors causing disruption? What might happen if, instead of fighting against the disruption, we took it seriously, respected its message as the possible of something new, and made plans accordingly?
Twenty or 30 years ago, we were unable to fantasize that students being disruptive in class had any kind of connection to the hereafter of learner behaviour. What if we had asked ourselves seriously what we needed turn in order to make some fully engaged? What if we had started to turn our behaviour as teachers? What if we had begun to learn how to include multimedia in our presentations? What if we had asked their notion on what they wanted to be learning? Is it possible, that because of schools and teachers, who would have by now (after 30 years of experience) built flexibility into the standard mode of operation, schooling would be best ready to face contemporary students who have grown up with computers and iPods?
Some things I find prominent to consider:
1. When I find myself upset, stressed, or angry about something that is disrupting my norm, do I stop to think either or not the disruption might involve something that will enhance the future?
2. If I do not think that, is my anger or frustration positively about my loss of control?
3. Does my desire to control my life and my situation inhibit my ability to be flexible and move into the new world that is being created colse to me with ease?
There is an old saying that "if you cannot beat them, join them." Maybe at the end of it all, the message of complexity ideas is the same. The private is in seeing ahead enough that we see which disruptive outliers are the prominent ones, and going to come to be the new fractals in our lives.
In an additional one narrative on three keys to staying young, based on ideas from neuroscience, creativity investigate and transformation, I discuss the use of tension as a precursor to transformation. When we add complexity ideas to this, we see the message that rather than fighting or defending our position, maybe we need to make use of these disruptions as they help us chart new paths to the future.
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