September 16, 2012

Hobbies For The Tech-Savvy Male

This report is about 2 animated hobbies for the technical minded person. These hobbies are also more popular with boys and men, rather than with girls and women.

The hobbies that are popular with contemporary tech savvy males are as the following:

1. Robot building. This is for the engineer and creator in all of us (males). Many of us are inspired by androids and robots such as R2D2 and C3Po from Stars Wars fame. Some of us are inspired by more contemporary icons such as the irobot. This hobby allows the hobbyists to assemble a robotic brainchild for scratch. Typically, the parts consist of mechanical, electrical and electronic components. Some of the more involved and industrialized ones come also with programming languages and software. These software come to be the synthetic brain of our robotic creations. One of the most popular line of product for the hobby of Robot building is Lego Mindstorm. Lego Mindstorm comes with an startling array of parts, kits and components. This allows the hobbyist to come up with many combinations of robotic creations.

2. Remote control Helicopters. This is an costly hobby for rich boys and men. It is popularly known as Rch for short. There are some dissimilar classes of helicopters. The complexity of the helicopters are thought about by the estimate of channels that they can receive. The aircraft can also differ greatly in terms of size too. Most hobbyists hang out in local Remote control Helicopter communities and clubs. Those are the places where they can share facts and tips about their popular hobby.

Well these are just 2 tech hobbies for males. There are many more. I will talk about them some time later. Thanks for reading.

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